Complaints are something we speak each day; they are uttered
beneath our breath, struck through our brain, and yelled in times of
desperation. From insignificant to life threatening, gripes and complaints slip
from between our lips without second thought. But what if we turned every complaint we have into a
blessing? What if we could shift our thinking from garbage to gratefulness?
Instead of focusing on the chilly temps, let us say thanks for
being affluent enough to afford a coat.
Instead of cursing from beneath our breath about a spilled
stain, let us be grateful for the kids God has blessed us with who create them.
Instead of furrowing our brows at early morning alarms for
work and school, let us say a prayer for being fortunate enough to have a job
and a means to education.
Instead of letting the housework overwhelm, let it remind
you of just how lucky you are to have a roof over your head.
Instead of feeling guilty for eating that last bite of
chocolate lava cake, feel grateful you are fortunate enough to eat. (And feel
gracious enough to share a bite… with me…)
Let the discouragement motivate.
Let the curveballs teach.
Let the complaints say thanks.
And let your heart open to every day’s disguised blessings.
it’s an outlet. it’s
an inspiration. it’s a gift. it’s a purpose
Rachel, this is so good! You have such a unique perspective.. its really cool.